Cell Remove

Indicate how to remove a cell (or list of cells, previously selected with Cell->Select, when Global is pressed).


When the Scope is All, the cell and all its contents is removed. This is the default.

When the Scope is Container, the cell is removed but its contents (clusters, molecules, groups, planes, directions, atoms, bonds, orbitals, texts) is saved, linked to the cell parent. Crystallographic planes and directions directly referencing the cell are removed because they cannot live without the cell.

When the Scope is Contents, the cell is preserved but all its contents (clusters, molecules, groups, planes, directions, atoms, bonds, orbitals, texts) is removed.

When the Scope is cluster, molecule, group, plane, direction, atom, bond, orbital or text, these objects are removed from the cell.

When the removed cell was part of the current object, the current layer becomes the new current object.

Clicking the mouse over a cell in the current layer, its identification is transported to the dialog and Ok is automatically pressed. To recover the previous state press Undo.
